A Declaration Against Genocide
(too old to reply)
2008-02-13 20:09:47 UTC
Washington, D.C. -- This Saturday, political activist and author David
Horowitz stood on the dais in the nation's capital against the backdrop of
an enlarged photograph of women covered in black hijabs. With only their
eyes revealed, the women carried signs that read: "God Bless Hitler." This
photo was not taken in Iran or Saudi Arabia, but instead comes from a recent
rally of radical Muslims in Chicago.

That such genocidal sentiments are alive and well in the modern world, and
that they find their most murderous expression in the writings and actions
of Islamic extremists, is the theme of a new campaign launched by the David
Horowitz Freedom Center titled "A Declaration Against Genocide."

In introducing the campaign this weekend, Horowitz made a plea for the most
basic of human rights: the right not to be murdered based on one's race,
religion or ethnicity. The Jew-hatred espoused by Nazis during World War II
did not die when Nazism was defeated, Horowitz observed. Rather, it is alive
and well, its torch now being carried by a new generation of jihadists and
radical Muslims.

Failure to recognize that fact underlies a popular myth about the Middle
East: that anti-Israel stems from a struggle over land. In reality, Horowitz
noted, the grievances of Islamists against Israel are but a pretext for
destroying the Jewish state and with it the Jewish population in the Middle
East. It is this genocidal campaign that the center's latest campaign aims
to highlight.

As evidence, one need only listen to the extremists themselves. Thus the
president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has stated that he wants to wipe
Israel off the map. Islamic terrorist groups, be they Shiite Hezbollah or
Sunni Hamas, have echoed that sentiment, which finds roots in core Muslim
writings. In the Hadith, the oral tradition relating the words and deeds of
the Prophet Mohammed, one finds the following quote from the prophet:

[..]the time [of judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews
and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O
Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!" The Hamas
Charter, which serves as the political platform of the elected party in
Palestine includes this passage and additionally reads: "Israel will rise
and remain erect until Islam eliminates it[.]

In the same way, the charter of Hamas encourages jihad, blames the Jews for
all of the Islamic world's ills, and proclaims: "[Peace] initiatives, the
so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve
the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic
Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing
part of the religion..There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except
by Jihad."

Horowitz's Declaration Against Genocide invites students of all faiths on
college campuses to denounce the genocidal ideology espoused in these
documents and to support the right of people everywhere to live free of
violence and intimidation.

Already, Horowitz's campaign has found support from prominent politicians.
Among them is Congresswoman Sue Myrick, a Republican from North Carolina and
the chair of the anti-terrorism caucus in the House who followed Horowitz on
the stage on Saturday.

In her remarks, Myrick recounted how, along with some of her Congressional
peers, she formed the bipartisan caucus in response to their frustration at
the Bush administration's initial refusal to identify radical Islam as
America's enemy in the war on terror, and thus its failure adequately to
educate the public about the threat that America faces. Those who consider
the U.S. government to be completely naïve about the Islamist threat may
take heart in the caucus's efforts. Meeting twice a month, its aim is to
inform congressmen about the nature, ideology, and tactics of both
non-violent radical Islamists and violent jihadists.

As suggested by the photograph from the Chicago rally, a major problem
confronting the country is the infiltration of radical Islamists into our
culture. Myrick, one of the few members of Congress who truly is an expert
on radical Islam, is all too aware of the fact. Islamist ideology is
infiltrating our media, our universities, and even our military, she
explained. And though some maintain that the Islamists' ultimate goal -- the
enactment of Sharia law -- could never happen in the United States, Myrick
argued that the country must nonetheless maintain its guard.

To that end, Myrick endorsed Horowitz's declaration. She suggested that if
everyone in the audience would educate themselves and others within their
sphere of influence on the nature of the threat, America will be much more
likely to escape the fate facing Britain, where Sharia law is beginning to
take root and where no less a figure than the Archbishop of Canterbury now
says that Sharia is "unavoidable."

Like its earlier Islamo-Fascist Awareness week, the center's new campaign
will extend a special invitation to Muslim student organizations, including
the Muslim Students Association ("MSA"). One of the largest Muslim Student
organizations on college campuses, the MSA professes to be a "mainstream"
group. However, it is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent
organization of Hamas. Muslim groups like the MSA have long claimed that
Islam is religion of peace and tolerance. By signing the declaration against
genocide, they can distance themselves from the jihadists who claim to act
in Islam's name. It remains to be seen whether they will in fact do so.
2008-02-13 23:13:31 UTC
Ah yes, we need more Goldstein's.

<***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:602ae8e5-cdb8-43b5-9f27-***@l16g2000hsh.googlegroups.com...
Let us not forget all the racist Jews who want to kill any Palestinian
they can find. Remember Goldstein who killed 30 non-Jews and all his
supporters who made a shrine out of his grave for those with extreme
right-wing political views? Modern Israel also has people among it
will genocidal sentiments. No different than any other country. But
of course someone like the poster below would prefer others not to
know about any murderous and genocidal/racist Jews of Israel. A word
suffices for such posters: BIGOT
Post by DoD
Washington, D.C. -- This Saturday, political activist and author David
Horowitz stood on the dais in the nation's capital against the backdrop of
an enlarged photograph of women covered in black hijabs. With only their
eyes revealed, the women carried signs that read: "God Bless Hitler." This
photo was not taken in Iran or Saudi Arabia, but instead comes from a recent
rally of radical Muslims in Chicago.
That such genocidal sentiments are alive and well in the modern world, and
that they find their most murderous expression in the writings and actions
of Islamic extremists, is the theme of a new campaign launched by the David
Horowitz Freedom Center titled "A Declaration Against Genocide."
In introducing the campaign this weekend, Horowitz made a plea for the most
basic of human rights: the right not to be murdered based on one's race,
religion or ethnicity. The Jew-hatred espoused by Nazis during World War II
did not die when Nazism was defeated, Horowitz observed. Rather, it is alive
and well, its torch now being carried by a new generation of jihadists and
radical Muslims.
Failure to recognize that fact underlies a popular myth about the Middle
East: that anti-Israel stems from a struggle over land. In reality, Horowitz
noted, the grievances of Islamists against Israel are but a pretext for
destroying the Jewish state and with it the Jewish population in the Middle
East. It is this genocidal campaign that the center's latest campaign aims
to highlight.
As evidence, one need only listen to the extremists themselves. Thus the
president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has stated that he wants to wipe
Israel off the map. Islamic terrorist groups, be they Shiite Hezbollah or
Sunni Hamas, have echoed that sentiment, which finds roots in core Muslim
writings. In the Hadith, the oral tradition relating the words and deeds of
[..]the time [of judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews
and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O
Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!" The Hamas
Charter, which serves as the political platform of the elected party in
Palestine includes this passage and additionally reads: "Israel will rise
and remain erect until Islam eliminates it[.]
In the same way, the charter of Hamas encourages jihad, blames the Jews for
all of the Islamic world's ills, and proclaims: "[Peace] initiatives, the
so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve
the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic
Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing
part of the religion..There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except
by Jihad."
Horowitz's Declaration Against Genocide invites students of all faiths on
college campuses to denounce the genocidal ideology espoused in these
documents and to support the right of people everywhere to live free of
violence and intimidation.
Already, Horowitz's campaign has found support from prominent politicians.
Among them is Congresswoman Sue Myrick, a Republican from North Carolina and
the chair of the anti-terrorism caucus in the House who followed Horowitz on
the stage on Saturday.
In her remarks, Myrick recounted how, along with some of her Congressional
peers, she formed the bipartisan caucus in response to their frustration at
the Bush administration's initial refusal to identify radical Islam as
America's enemy in the war on terror, and thus its failure adequately to
educate the public about the threat that America faces. Those who consider
the U.S. government to be completely naïve about the Islamist threat may
take heart in the caucus's efforts. Meeting twice a month, its aim is to
inform congressmen about the nature, ideology, and tactics of both
non-violent radical Islamists and violent jihadists.
As suggested by the photograph from the Chicago rally, a major problem
confronting the country is the infiltration of radical Islamists into our
culture. Myrick, one of the few members of Congress who truly is an expert
on radical Islam, is all too aware of the fact. Islamist ideology is
infiltrating our media, our universities, and even our military, she
explained. And though some maintain that the Islamists' ultimate goal -- the
enactment of Sharia law -- could never happen in the United States, Myrick
argued that the country must nonetheless maintain its guard.
To that end, Myrick endorsed Horowitz's declaration. She suggested that if
everyone in the audience would educate themselves and others within their
sphere of influence on the nature of the threat, America will be much more
likely to escape the fate facing Britain, where Sharia law is beginning to
take root and where no less a figure than the Archbishop of Canterbury now
says that Sharia is "unavoidable."
Like its earlier Islamo-Fascist Awareness week, the center's new campaign
will extend a special invitation to Muslim student organizations, including
the Muslim Students Association ("MSA"). One of the largest Muslim Student
organizations on college campuses, the MSA professes to be a "mainstream"
group. However, it is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent
organization of Hamas. Muslim groups like the MSA have long claimed that
Islam is religion of peace and tolerance. By signing the declaration against
genocide, they can distance themselves from the jihadists who claim to act
in Islam's name. It remains to be seen whether they will in fact do
2008-02-13 23:28:41 UTC
Post by TheZ
Ah yes, we need more Goldstein's.
Post by TheZ
Let us not forget all the racist Jews who want to kill any Palestinian
they can find. Remember Goldstein who killed 30 non-Jews and all his
supporters who made a shrine out of his grave for those with extreme
right-wing political views? Modern Israel also has people among it
will genocidal sentiments. No different than any other country. But
of course someone like the poster below would prefer others not to
know about any murderous and genocidal/racist Jews of Israel. A word
suffices for such posters: BIGOT
Post by DoD
Washington, D.C. -- This Saturday, political activist and author David
Horowitz stood on the dais in the nation's capital against the backdrop of
an enlarged photograph of women covered in black hijabs. With only their
eyes revealed, the women carried signs that read: "God Bless Hitler." This
photo was not taken in Iran or Saudi Arabia, but instead comes from a recent
rally of radical Muslims in Chicago.
That such genocidal sentiments are alive and well in the modern world, and
that they find their most murderous expression in the writings and actions
of Islamic extremists, is the theme of a new campaign launched by the David
Horowitz Freedom Center titled "A Declaration Against Genocide."
In introducing the campaign this weekend, Horowitz made a plea for the most
basic of human rights: the right not to be murdered based on one's race,
religion or ethnicity. The Jew-hatred espoused by Nazis during World War II
did not die when Nazism was defeated, Horowitz observed. Rather, it is alive
and well, its torch now being carried by a new generation of jihadists and
radical Muslims.
Failure to recognize that fact underlies a popular myth about the Middle
East: that anti-Israel stems from a struggle over land. In reality, Horowitz
noted, the grievances of Islamists against Israel are but a pretext for
destroying the Jewish state and with it the Jewish population in the Middle
East. It is this genocidal campaign that the center's latest campaign aims
to highlight.
As evidence, one need only listen to the extremists themselves. Thus the
president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has stated that he wants to wipe
Israel off the map. Islamic terrorist groups, be they Shiite Hezbollah or
Sunni Hamas, have echoed that sentiment, which finds roots in core Muslim
writings. In the Hadith, the oral tradition relating the words and deeds of
[..]the time [of judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews
and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O
Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!" The Hamas
Charter, which serves as the political platform of the elected party in
Palestine includes this passage and additionally reads: "Israel will rise
and remain erect until Islam eliminates it[.]
In the same way, the charter of Hamas encourages jihad, blames the Jews for
all of the Islamic world's ills, and proclaims: "[Peace] initiatives, the
so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve
the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic
Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing
part of the religion..There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except
by Jihad."
Horowitz's Declaration Against Genocide invites students of all faiths on
college campuses to denounce the genocidal ideology espoused in these
documents and to support the right of people everywhere to live free of
violence and intimidation.
Already, Horowitz's campaign has found support from prominent
Among them is Congresswoman Sue Myrick, a Republican from North Carolina and
the chair of the anti-terrorism caucus in the House who followed Horowitz on
the stage on Saturday.
In her remarks, Myrick recounted how, along with some of her
peers, she formed the bipartisan caucus in response to their frustration at
the Bush administration's initial refusal to identify radical Islam as
America's enemy in the war on terror, and thus its failure adequately to
educate the public about the threat that America faces. Those who consider
the U.S. government to be completely naïve about the Islamist threat may
take heart in the caucus's efforts. Meeting twice a month, its aim is to
inform congressmen about the nature, ideology, and tactics of both
non-violent radical Islamists and violent jihadists.
As suggested by the photograph from the Chicago rally, a major problem
confronting the country is the infiltration of radical Islamists into our
culture. Myrick, one of the few members of Congress who truly is an expert
on radical Islam, is all too aware of the fact. Islamist ideology is
infiltrating our media, our universities, and even our military, she
explained. And though some maintain that the Islamists' ultimate goal -- the
enactment of Sharia law -- could never happen in the United States, Myrick
argued that the country must nonetheless maintain its guard.
To that end, Myrick endorsed Horowitz's declaration. She suggested that if
everyone in the audience would educate themselves and others within their
sphere of influence on the nature of the threat, America will be much more
likely to escape the fate facing Britain, where Sharia law is beginning to
take root and where no less a figure than the Archbishop of Canterbury now
says that Sharia is "unavoidable."
Like its earlier Islamo-Fascist Awareness week, the center's new campaign
will extend a special invitation to Muslim student organizations, including
the Muslim Students Association ("MSA"). One of the largest Muslim Student
organizations on college campuses, the MSA professes to be a "mainstream"
group. However, it is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent
organization of Hamas. Muslim groups like the MSA have long claimed that
Islam is religion of peace and tolerance. By signing the declaration against
genocide, they can distance themselves from the jihadists who claim to act
in Islam's name. It remains to be seen whether they will in fact do
2008-02-13 23:47:51 UTC
Exactly the point moron. The Jews had one who cracked. The Muslims have
many, many crackpots.
Post by ElParedon
Post by TheZ
Ah yes, we need more Goldstein's.
Post by TheZ
Let us not forget all the racist Jews who want to kill any Palestinian
they can find. Remember Goldstein who killed 30 non-Jews and all his
supporters who made a shrine out of his grave for those with extreme
right-wing political views? Modern Israel also has people among it
will genocidal sentiments. No different than any other country. But
of course someone like the poster below would prefer others not to
know about any murderous and genocidal/racist Jews of Israel. A word
suffices for such posters: BIGOT
Post by DoD
Washington, D.C. -- This Saturday, political activist and author David
Horowitz stood on the dais in the nation's capital against the backdrop of
an enlarged photograph of women covered in black hijabs. With only their
eyes revealed, the women carried signs that read: "God Bless Hitler." This
photo was not taken in Iran or Saudi Arabia, but instead comes from a recent
rally of radical Muslims in Chicago.
That such genocidal sentiments are alive and well in the modern world, and
that they find their most murderous expression in the writings and actions
of Islamic extremists, is the theme of a new campaign launched by the David
Horowitz Freedom Center titled "A Declaration Against Genocide."
In introducing the campaign this weekend, Horowitz made a plea for the most
basic of human rights: the right not to be murdered based on one's race,
religion or ethnicity. The Jew-hatred espoused by Nazis during World War II
did not die when Nazism was defeated, Horowitz observed. Rather, it is alive
and well, its torch now being carried by a new generation of jihadists and
radical Muslims.
Failure to recognize that fact underlies a popular myth about the Middle
East: that anti-Israel stems from a struggle over land. In reality, Horowitz
noted, the grievances of Islamists against Israel are but a pretext for
destroying the Jewish state and with it the Jewish population in the Middle
East. It is this genocidal campaign that the center's latest campaign aims
to highlight.
As evidence, one need only listen to the extremists themselves. Thus the
president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has stated that he wants to wipe
Israel off the map. Islamic terrorist groups, be they Shiite Hezbollah or
Sunni Hamas, have echoed that sentiment, which finds roots in core Muslim
writings. In the Hadith, the oral tradition relating the words and deeds of
[..]the time [of judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews
and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O
Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!" The Hamas
Charter, which serves as the political platform of the elected party in
Palestine includes this passage and additionally reads: "Israel will rise
and remain erect until Islam eliminates it[.]
In the same way, the charter of Hamas encourages jihad, blames the Jews for
all of the Islamic world's ills, and proclaims: "[Peace] initiatives, the
so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve
the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic
Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing
part of the religion..There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except
by Jihad."
Horowitz's Declaration Against Genocide invites students of all faiths on
college campuses to denounce the genocidal ideology espoused in these
documents and to support the right of people everywhere to live free of
violence and intimidation.
Already, Horowitz's campaign has found support from prominent politicians.
Among them is Congresswoman Sue Myrick, a Republican from North Carolina and
the chair of the anti-terrorism caucus in the House who followed Horowitz on
the stage on Saturday.
In her remarks, Myrick recounted how, along with some of her
peers, she formed the bipartisan caucus in response to their frustration at
the Bush administration's initial refusal to identify radical Islam as
America's enemy in the war on terror, and thus its failure adequately to
educate the public about the threat that America faces. Those who consider
the U.S. government to be completely naïve about the Islamist threat may
take heart in the caucus's efforts. Meeting twice a month, its aim is to
inform congressmen about the nature, ideology, and tactics of both
non-violent radical Islamists and violent jihadists.
As suggested by the photograph from the Chicago rally, a major problem
confronting the country is the infiltration of radical Islamists into our
culture. Myrick, one of the few members of Congress who truly is an expert
on radical Islam, is all too aware of the fact. Islamist ideology is
infiltrating our media, our universities, and even our military, she
explained. And though some maintain that the Islamists' ultimate goal -- the
enactment of Sharia law -- could never happen in the United States, Myrick
argued that the country must nonetheless maintain its guard.
To that end, Myrick endorsed Horowitz's declaration. She suggested that if
everyone in the audience would educate themselves and others within their
sphere of influence on the nature of the threat, America will be much more
likely to escape the fate facing Britain, where Sharia law is beginning to
take root and where no less a figure than the Archbishop of Canterbury now
says that Sharia is "unavoidable."
Like its earlier Islamo-Fascist Awareness week, the center's new campaign
will extend a special invitation to Muslim student organizations, including
the Muslim Students Association ("MSA"). One of the largest Muslim Student
organizations on college campuses, the MSA professes to be a
group. However, it is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent
organization of Hamas. Muslim groups like the MSA have long claimed that
Islam is religion of peace and tolerance. By signing the declaration against
genocide, they can distance themselves from the jihadists who claim to act
in Islam's name. It remains to be seen whether they will in fact do
2008-02-14 03:24:08 UTC
"It is our right to defend our country. We are not a threat to other
countries. But we have to use our rights when our country is occupied by
foreign forces." - Mullah Omar, Taliban leader

February 13, 2008

It was supposed to be "the good war"; a war against terror; a war of
liberation. It was intended to fix the eyes of the world on America's state
of the art weaponry, its crack troops and its overwhelming firepower. It was
supposed to demonstrate-once and for all-- that the world's only superpower
could no longer be beaten or resisted; that Washington could deploy its
troops anywhere in the world and crush its adversaries at will.

Then everything went sideways. The war veered from the Pentagon's script.
The Taliban retreated, waited, regrouped and retaliated. They enlisted
support from the Pashtuns and the tribal leaders who could see that America
would never honor its commitments; that order would never be restored.
Operation Enduring Freedom has brought neither peace nor prosperity to
Afghanistan; just occupation. Seven years have passed and the country is
still ruled by warlords and drug-merchants. Nothing has gotten better. The
country is in shambles and the government is a fraud. The humiliation of
foreign occupation persists while the killing goes on with no end in sight.

War is not foreign policy. It is slaughter. Seven years later; it's still
slaughter. The Taliban have taken over more than half of Afghanistan. They
have conducted military operations in the capital of Kabul. They're dug in
at Logar, Wardak and Ghazni and control vast swathes of territory in Zabul,
Helmand, Urzgan and Kandahar. Now they are getting ready to step-up
operations and mount a Spring offensive. That means the hostilities will
progressively intensify.

The Taliban's approach is methodical and deliberate. They've shown they can
survive the harshest conditions and still achieve tactical victories over a
better-equipped enemy. They are highly-motivated and believe their cause is
just. After all, they're not fighting to occupy a foreign nation; they're
fighting to defend their own country. That strengthens their resolve and
keeps morale high. When NATO and American troops leave Afghanistan; the
Taliban will remain, just as they did when the Russians left 20 years ago.
No difference. The US occupation will just be another grim footnote in the
country's tragic history.

The United States has gained nothing from its invasion of Afghanistan. US
troops do not control even a square inch of Afghan soil. The moment a
soldier lifts his boot-heel; that ground is returned to the native people.
That won't change either. General Dan McNeill said recently that "if proper
US military counterinsurgency doctrine were followed; the US would need
400,000 troops to defeat Pashtun tribal resistance in Afghanistan."
Currently, the US and NATO have only 66,000 troops on the ground and the
allies are refusing to send more. On a purely logistical level; victory is

The battle for hearts and minds has been lost, too. A statement from the
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) sums it up like

"The reinstatement of the Northern Alliance to power crushed the hopes of
our people for freedom and prosperity and proved that, for the Bush
administration, defeating terrorism has no meaning at all....The US doesn't
want to defeat the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, because then they will have no
excuse to stay in Afghanistan and achieve their economic and strategic goals
in the region....After seven years, there is no peace, human rights,
democracy or reconstruction in Afghanistan. The destitution and suffering of
our people is increasing everyday. ...We believe that if the troops leave
Afghanistan, our people will become more free and come out of their current
puzzlement and doubts...Afghanistan's freedom can only be achieved by Afghan
people themselves. Relying on one enemy to defeat another is a wrong policy
which has just tightened the grip of the Northern Alliance and their masters
on the neck of our nation." (RAWA www.rawa.org)

Gradually, the Allies are beginning to see that Bush's war cannot be won and
that continuing the fighting is counterproductive. There is no military
solution to the conflict in Afghanistan and the political objectives are
getting murkier all the time. The lack of direction just adds to the growing
Recently Secretary of Defense Robert Gates tried to bully the allies into
sending more combat troops to fight in the South, but he met with stiff
resistance . He said:

"I am concerned that many people on this continent may not comprehend the
magnitude of the direct threat to European security," Gates said. "We must
not become a two-tiered alliance of those who are willing to fight and those
who are not. Such a development, with all its implications for collective
security, would in effect destroy the alliance."

But public support for the war is waning in Europe. This is America's war,
not theirs. Europeans don't need to occupy foreign nations to meet their
energy needs. Their economies are thriving and they can simply pay for their
fuel on the open market. Only America wants the war. It's all part of a
crazy geopolitical "grand strategy" to project US power into the region to
control its resources. So far, there's no indication that the plan will
Germany has the third biggest economy in the world. Over the last few years,
they have strengthened ties with Russia and made agreements that will
satisfy their long-term energy needs. But German involvement in Afghanistan
has put a strain on relations with Moscow. Putin thinks that the US is using
the war to put down roots in Central Asia so it can control pipeline-routes
from the Caspian Basin while surrounding Russia and China with military
bases. Putin is right. Naturally, he'd like to persuade German Chancellor
Angela Merkel to withdraw from Afghanistan which would strike a blow against
the US-led alliance. And, that is the way it will probably turn out, too.

Eventually, German leaders will see that its foolish to tweak the nose of
the people who provide them with energy (Russia) just to support
Washington's adventures. When Germany withdraws from Afghanistan; NATO will
disband, new coalitions will form, and the transatlantic alliance fall
apart. The cracks are already visible.

President Bush has said that the war in Afghanistan must continue or the
country will become a haven for drugs, terrorism and organized crime. He
says we are fighting a "poisonous ideology of Islamic extremism which
threatens to become a global movement".

But the Taliban and Pashtun tribesmen see it differently. They see the
conflict as an imperial war of aggression which has only added to the
suffering of their people. A recent report by the United Nations Human
Development Fund appears to support this view. It shows that Afghanistan has
fallen in every category. The average life expectancy has gone down,
malnutrition has risen, literacy has dropped, and more than half the
population is living below the poverty-line. Hundreds of thousands of people
have been internally displaced by the war. The occupation has created plenty
of misery, but no democracy. The war was a failure.

Afghanistan now produces 90% of the world's opium; more than any other
country. The booming drug trade is the direct corollary of the US invasion.
No one even denies this. Bush has created the world's largest narco-colony.
Is that success?

Presently, there are no plans to improve the lives of ordinary Afghanis or
to remove the warlords. Reconstruction is at a standstill. If the US stays
in Afghanistan, the situation 10 years from now will be the same as it is
today, only more people will have needlessly died. Most Afghanis now
understand that the promise of democracy was a lie. The only thing the
occupation has brought is more grinding poverty and random violence.

There's no back-up plan for Afghanistan. In fact, there is no plan at all.
The administration thought the Taliban would see America's high-tech,
laser-guided weaponry and run for the hills. They did. Now they're back. And
now we are embroiled in an "unwinnable" war with a tenacious enemy that
grows stronger and more resolute by the day.

Eventually, the Europeans will see the futility of the war and leave. And
that will be the end of NATO.
2008-02-14 07:29:02 UTC
I didn't know "our country" the USA was occupied.
Post by ElParedon
"It is our right to defend our country. We are not a threat to other
countries. But we have to use our rights when our country is occupied by
foreign forces." - Mullah Omar, Taliban leader
February 13, 2008
It was supposed to be "the good war"; a war against terror; a war of
liberation. It was intended to fix the eyes of the world on America's
state of the art weaponry, its crack troops and its overwhelming
firepower. It was supposed to demonstrate-once and for all-- that the
world's only superpower could no longer be beaten or resisted; that
Washington could deploy its troops anywhere in the world and crush its
adversaries at will.
Then everything went sideways. The war veered from the Pentagon's script.
The Taliban retreated, waited, regrouped and retaliated. They enlisted
support from the Pashtuns and the tribal leaders who could see that
America would never honor its commitments; that order would never be
restored. Operation Enduring Freedom has brought neither peace nor
prosperity to Afghanistan; just occupation. Seven years have passed and
the country is still ruled by warlords and drug-merchants. Nothing has
gotten better. The country is in shambles and the government is a fraud.
The humiliation of foreign occupation persists while the killing goes on
with no end in sight.
War is not foreign policy. It is slaughter. Seven years later; it's still
slaughter. The Taliban have taken over more than half of Afghanistan. They
have conducted military operations in the capital of Kabul. They're dug in
at Logar, Wardak and Ghazni and control vast swathes of territory in
Zabul, Helmand, Urzgan and Kandahar. Now they are getting ready to step-up
operations and mount a Spring offensive. That means the hostilities will
progressively intensify.
The Taliban's approach is methodical and deliberate. They've shown they
can survive the harshest conditions and still achieve tactical victories
over a better-equipped enemy. They are highly-motivated and believe their
cause is just. After all, they're not fighting to occupy a foreign nation;
they're fighting to defend their own country. That strengthens their
resolve and keeps morale high. When NATO and American troops leave
Afghanistan; the Taliban will remain, just as they did when the Russians
left 20 years ago. No difference. The US occupation will just be another
grim footnote in the country's tragic history.
The United States has gained nothing from its invasion of Afghanistan. US
troops do not control even a square inch of Afghan soil. The moment a
soldier lifts his boot-heel; that ground is returned to the native people.
That won't change either. General Dan McNeill said recently that "if
proper US military counterinsurgency doctrine were followed; the US would
need 400,000 troops to defeat Pashtun tribal resistance in Afghanistan."
Currently, the US and NATO have only 66,000 troops on the ground and the
allies are refusing to send more. On a purely logistical level; victory is
The battle for hearts and minds has been lost, too. A statement from the
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) sums it up
"The reinstatement of the Northern Alliance to power crushed the hopes of
our people for freedom and prosperity and proved that, for the Bush
administration, defeating terrorism has no meaning at all....The US
doesn't want to defeat the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, because then they will
have no excuse to stay in Afghanistan and achieve their economic and
strategic goals in the region....After seven years, there is no peace,
human rights, democracy or reconstruction in Afghanistan. The destitution
and suffering of our people is increasing everyday. ...We believe that if
the troops leave Afghanistan, our people will become more free and come
out of their current puzzlement and doubts...Afghanistan's freedom can
only be achieved by Afghan people themselves. Relying on one enemy to
defeat another is a wrong policy which has just tightened the grip of the
Northern Alliance and their masters on the neck of our nation." (RAWA
Gradually, the Allies are beginning to see that Bush's war cannot be won
and that continuing the fighting is counterproductive. There is no
military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan and the political
objectives are getting murkier all the time. The lack of direction just
adds to the growing frustration.
Recently Secretary of Defense Robert Gates tried to bully the allies into
sending more combat troops to fight in the South, but he met with stiff
"I am concerned that many people on this continent may not comprehend the
magnitude of the direct threat to European security," Gates said. "We must
not become a two-tiered alliance of those who are willing to fight and
those who are not. Such a development, with all its implications for
collective security, would in effect destroy the alliance."
But public support for the war is waning in Europe. This is America's war,
not theirs. Europeans don't need to occupy foreign nations to meet their
energy needs. Their economies are thriving and they can simply pay for
their fuel on the open market. Only America wants the war. It's all part
of a crazy geopolitical "grand strategy" to project US power into the
region to control its resources. So far, there's no indication that the
plan will succeed.
Germany has the third biggest economy in the world. Over the last few
years, they have strengthened ties with Russia and made agreements that
will satisfy their long-term energy needs. But German involvement in
Afghanistan has put a strain on relations with Moscow. Putin thinks that
the US is using the war to put down roots in Central Asia so it can
control pipeline-routes from the Caspian Basin while surrounding Russia
and China with military bases. Putin is right. Naturally, he'd like to
persuade German Chancellor Angela Merkel to withdraw from Afghanistan
which would strike a blow against the US-led alliance. And, that is the
way it will probably turn out, too.
Eventually, German leaders will see that its foolish to tweak the nose of
the people who provide them with energy (Russia) just to support
Washington's adventures. When Germany withdraws from Afghanistan; NATO
will disband, new coalitions will form, and the transatlantic alliance
fall apart. The cracks are already visible.
President Bush has said that the war in Afghanistan must continue or the
country will become a haven for drugs, terrorism and organized crime. He
says we are fighting a "poisonous ideology of Islamic extremism which
threatens to become a global movement".
But the Taliban and Pashtun tribesmen see it differently. They see the
conflict as an imperial war of aggression which has only added to the
suffering of their people. A recent report by the United Nations Human
Development Fund appears to support this view. It shows that Afghanistan
has fallen in every category. The average life expectancy has gone down,
malnutrition has risen, literacy has dropped, and more than half the
population is living below the poverty-line. Hundreds of thousands of
people have been internally displaced by the war. The occupation has
created plenty of misery, but no democracy. The war was a failure.
Afghanistan now produces 90% of the world's opium; more than any other
country. The booming drug trade is the direct corollary of the US
invasion. No one even denies this. Bush has created the world's largest
narco-colony. Is that success?
Presently, there are no plans to improve the lives of ordinary Afghanis or
to remove the warlords. Reconstruction is at a standstill. If the US stays
in Afghanistan, the situation 10 years from now will be the same as it is
today, only more people will have needlessly died. Most Afghanis now
understand that the promise of democracy was a lie. The only thing the
occupation has brought is more grinding poverty and random violence.
There's no back-up plan for Afghanistan. In fact, there is no plan at all.
The administration thought the Taliban would see America's high-tech,
laser-guided weaponry and run for the hills. They did. Now they're back.
And now we are embroiled in an "unwinnable" war with a tenacious enemy
that grows stronger and more resolute by the day.
Eventually, the Europeans will see the futility of the war and leave. And
that will be the end of NATO.
2008-02-14 04:31:49 UTC
Post by TheZ
Exactly the point moron. The Jews had one who cracked. The Muslims have
many, many crackpots.
He didn't "crack": he had advance knowledge of an attack, the type
ALL hospitals get, & he decided to act on it, rather than passively wait.

Daniel Bernard
2008-02-14 11:49:03 UTC
Arabs and Jews have nearly identical DNA, the closest match of any two
on the planet. They both have more than their share of lunatics and
crackpots, although
Jews are definitely leading in both.
The biggest differences between the two is that the Arabs have always
been willing to bravely
fight to defend themselves and their land and families, while Jews
seem to have made a legacy
of being perpetual victims.
Victimhood pays.

Ask the Swiss banks how much they had to fork out.


2008-02-14 13:26:00 UTC
Post by Daniel Bernard
Arabs and Jews have nearly identical DNA, the closest match of any two
on the planet. They both have more than their share of lunatics and
crackpots, although
Jews are definitely leading in both.
The biggest differences between the two is that the Arabs have always
been willing to bravely
fight to defend themselves and their land and families, while Jews
seem to have made a legacy
of being perpetual victims.
Victimhood pays.
Ask the Swiss banks how much they had to fork out.
It would be fun to see what you, obviously an unemployed loafer, would
do if your family inheritance or even your own property had been
stolen. Ah yes, it would be so much fun to see.
Post by Daniel Bernard
2008-02-14 16:24:57 UTC
Post by drahcir
Post by drahcir
It would be fun to see what you, obviously an unemployed loafer, would
do if your family inheritance or even your own property had been
stolen. Ah yes, it would be so much fun to see.<<
This is not a likely scenario for a proud person with a sense of
Such a person would obviously be dead, having laid down his life to
these things from happening in the first place.

Pretty disgusting to be afraid to fight for what's yours.
2008-02-14 16:32:01 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
Post by drahcir
It would be fun to see what you, obviously an unemployed loafer, would
do if your family inheritance or even your own property had been
stolen. Ah yes, it would be so much fun to see.<<
This is not a likely scenario for a proud person with a sense of
What is not likely? It is not likely for someone's property to be
stolen if they are proud and have integrity? Is that what you are
saying? If that is what you are saying, I can only say that these are
the words of some little, sniveling child who cannot even imagine what
it is like for storm troopers to come marching into your house to lead
you out.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Such a person would obviously be dead, having laid down his life to
these things from happening in the first place.
Big talk from a moron.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Pretty disgusting to be afraid to fight for what's yours.
You can't even stretch what little mind you have to try to imagine
what it must have been like. Go back to your griddle - it's nearly
lunchtime and I want a big mac. NOW.
2008-02-14 16:40:05 UTC
Post by drahcir
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
Post by drahcir
It would be fun to see what you, obviously an unemployed loafer, would
do if your family inheritance or even your own property had been
stolen. Ah yes, it would be so much fun to see.<<
This is not a likely scenario for a proud person with a sense of
What is not likely? It is not likely for someone's property to be
stolen if they are proud and have integrity? Is that what you are
saying? If that is what you are saying, I can only say that these are
the words of some little, sniveling child who cannot even imagine what
it is like for storm troopers to come marching into your house to lead
you out.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Such a person would obviously be dead, having laid down his life to
these things from happening in the first place.
Big talk from a moron.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Pretty disgusting to be afraid to fight for what's yours.
You can't even stretch what little mind you have to try to imagine
what it must have been like. Go back to your griddle - it's nearly
lunchtime and I want a big mac. NOW.
It is funny posting stuff and watching Euro trash and Alex making the
stupidest comments known to man.

It is amazing to me how stupid Europeans are.
2008-02-14 16:53:00 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
What is not likely? It is not likely for someone's property to be
stolen if they are proud and have integrity? Is that what you are

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. A proud person with integrity
will fight to defend his property and the lives of those he loves, is
English your second language?
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
If that is what you are saying, I can only say that these are
the words of some little, sniveling child<<

No, someone with pride and integrity who is prepared to lay down his
life to protect what is his. Is this a difficult concept for you to
The vast majority of people are willing to do so, you would have to be
a despicable coward to justify other action.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
who cannot even imagine what
it is like for storm troopers to come marching into your house to lead
you out.<<

I can well imagine this scenario, it would involve me fighting to the
death, like any true person would do, particularly if my loved ones
were in danger.
Nothing could possibly be more despicable than someone that lets harm
come to their loved ones without laying down their own life in
defense, wouldn't you say?
Post by k***@gmail.com
Such a person would obviously be dead, having laid down his life to
these things from happening in the first place.
Post by drahcir
Big talk from a moron.<<
Just simple facts. You must be a complete coward who waits for others
protect them. This was the main cause of the holocaust.

I'm sure you would have blown a lot of Nazis to save your sorry,
whining little ass. You probably would hand over your own kids to
save yourself.

God hates you for being a coward, please kill yourself.
2008-02-14 23:25:25 UTC
Post by drahcir
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
What is not likely? It is not likely for someone's property to be
stolen if they are proud and have integrity? Is that what you are
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. A proud person with integrity
will fight to defend his property and the lives of those he loves, is
English your second language?
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
If that is what you are saying, I can only say that these are
the words of some little, sniveling child<<
No, someone with pride and integrity who is prepared to lay down his
life to protect what is his.
You've been watching too much TV, Rambo. You will cuddle yourself up
with your teddy bear tonight, safe and sound, talking like a big man.
Storm troopers will not be knocking in your door, don't worry. You are
a silly, pathetic infant.

Is this a difficult concept for you to
Post by drahcir
The vast majority of people are willing to do so, you would have to be
a despicable coward to justify other action.
See above, child.
Post by drahcir
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
who cannot even imagine what
it is like for storm troopers to come marching into your house to lead
you out.<<
I can well imagine this scenario, it would involve me fighting to the
BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!. Anyone wanna take this little boy for a ride. He's an
easy mark. Big talker. You are such a joke! I'm just gonna have to
call you Rambo from now on, is that ok with you?

like any true person would do, particularly if my loved ones
Post by drahcir
were in danger.
Nothing could possibly be more despicable than someone that lets harm
come to their loved ones without laying down their own life in
defense, wouldn't you say?
I would say what I already have said, you are a child, in every sense,
except of course the good ones. You are an obvious ignoramus, a
loudmouth fool, full of bravado and nothing more. You are clueless.
You disgust me.
Post by drahcir
Post by k***@gmail.com
Such a person would obviously be dead, having laid down his life to
these things from happening in the first place.
Post by drahcir
Big talk from a moron.<<
Just simple facts. You must be a complete coward who waits for others
protect them. This was the main cause of the holocaust.
I'm sure you would have blown a lot of Nazis to save your sorry,
whining little ass. You probably would hand over your own kids to
save yourself.
You have no capacity for probably. Your meager brain obviously cannot
extend beyond your own tidy world. Go back to your Rambo movies, you
ultimate loser.
Post by drahcir
God hates you for being a coward, please kill yourself.
Go pray to your god, Rambo. He'll rescue you.
2008-02-15 00:04:32 UTC
You've been watching too much TV, Rambo.<<
Almost never watch TV, never seen a 'Rambo' movie.
Post by drahcir
You will cuddle yourself up
with your teddy bear tonight, safe and sound, talking like a big man.
Storm troopers will not be knocking in your door, don't worry.<<
They knock? Is that what you've been told? How quaint. I'd suggest
you just act like you aren't home, if they're going to be polite and
knock and all.
Post by drahcir
You are
a silly, pathetic infant.<<
The concept of chivalry, and protecting that which is yours is
apparently quite foreign to you. You must be used to having others
provide everything for you. In the real world, people protect their
lives, property and those they love. Perhaps you've just
never owned anything worth protecting or been loved by anyone? So
Post by drahcir
I can well imagine this scenario, it would involve me fighting to the
BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!. Anyone wanna take this little boy for a ride.<<
You can try, but I assure you the results would be as I've stated.
It's what MOST people would do, but apparently you wouldn't be willing
to risk personal harm to protect your own family or yourself. You are
a lamb. Some people are, usually the
infirm and elderly.

Does this describe you?

<<He's an
easy mark. Big talker. You are such a joke! I'm just gonna have to
call you Rambo from now on, is that ok with you?<<
That's fine, I believe an appropriate name for you would be
'chicken little'.
I would say what I already have said, you are a child, in every sense,
except of course the good ones. You are an obvious ignoramus, a
loudmouth fool, full of bravado and nothing more. You are clueless.
You disgust me.<<
Unfortunately, it is you who are disgusting. You and anyone else that
would meekly go to their death without a fight. Anyone that would
allow harm to come to a child without laying down their own life to
prevent it. You've exposed yourself as a coward, and rather than deal
with the shame, you are sadly attempting
to claim this is a normal reaction. It isn't. Most people will fight
to the death to defend themselves.

To do otherwise is cowardly and pathetic. This is your legacy, as is
the legacy of most 'victims'.


You are living proof that there is no god. She would have killed off
a pathetic, whining coward like you, hopefully slowly and painfully, a
long time ago.

Do the world a favor and eat a bullet ASAP.
2008-02-15 00:26:01 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
You've been watching too much TV, Rambo.<<
Almost never watch TV, never seen a 'Rambo' movie.
Post by drahcir
You will cuddle yourself up
with your teddy bear tonight, safe and sound, talking like a big man.
Storm troopers will not be knocking in your door, don't worry.<<
They knock? Is that what you've been told? How quaint. I'd suggest
you just act like you aren't home, if they're going to be polite and
knock and all.
Post by drahcir
You are
a silly, pathetic infant.<<
The concept of chivalry, and protecting that which is yours is
apparently quite foreign to you. You must be used to having others
provide everything for you. In the real world, people protect their
lives, property and those they love. Perhaps you've just
never owned anything worth protecting or been loved by anyone? So
Post by drahcir
I can well imagine this scenario, it would involve me fighting to the
BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!. Anyone wanna take this little boy for a ride.<<
You can try, but I assure you the results would be as I've stated.
It's what MOST people would do, but apparently you wouldn't be willing
to risk personal harm to protect your own family or yourself. You are
a lamb. Some people are, usually the
infirm and elderly.
Does this describe you?
<<He's an
easy mark. Big talker. You are such a joke! I'm just gonna have to
call you Rambo from now on, is that ok with you?<<
That's fine, I believe an appropriate name for you would be
'chicken little'.
I would say what I already have said, you are a child, in every sense,
except of course the good ones. You are an obvious ignoramus, a
loudmouth fool, full of bravado and nothing more. You are clueless.
You disgust me.<<
Unfortunately, it is you who are disgusting.
Oh, I get it, "i know you are but what am i". That's the best you can
do, I guess.

You and anyone else that
Post by k***@gmail.com
would meekly go to their death without a fight.
You claim you "hardly" watch TV. It's quite evident you never read a
book in your life. So, like, what do you do with your spare time?

Anyone that would
Post by k***@gmail.com
allow harm to come to a child without laying down their own life to
prevent it. You've exposed yourself as a coward,
Can you be precise? Show where. Something tells me that for you,
anyone who thinks you are an ignoramus is a coward. There's an awful
lot of cowards out there.

and rather than deal
Post by k***@gmail.com
with the shame, you are sadly attempting
to claim this is a normal reaction. It isn't. Most people will fight
to the death to defend themselves.
To do otherwise is cowardly and pathetic. This is your legacy, as is
the legacy of most 'victims'.
You are living proof that there is no god.
God hates you for being a coward, please kill yourself.
Did you forget already, Rambo?

She would have killed off
Post by k***@gmail.com
a pathetic, whining coward like you, hopefully slowly and painfully, a
long time ago.
Do the world a favor and eat a bullet ASAP.
You forgot the "please" this time. How impolite. Hehe, "eat a bullet"
- where'd you get that one, watching reruns of a Humphrey Bogart movie
on the TV that you almost never watch?
2008-02-15 01:06:15 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
I would say what I already have said, you are a child, in every sense,
except of course the good ones. You are an obvious ignoramus, a
loudmouth fool, full of bravado and nothing more. You are clueless.
You disgust me.<<
Unfortunately, it is you who are disgusting.
Post by drahcir
Oh, I get it, "i know you are but what am i". That's the best you can
do, I guess.<<

No, I'm just stating obvious facts. You are incapable of dealing with
such so
you resort to childish and pathetic attempts at personal attacks. You
cowards and cowardice, and offer no valid reason fro doing so. It's
that someone can so eagerly shirk responsibility.

BTW, why did you snip the item about the NY attack? A 56 year old
woman and a 70 year old man ferociously fighting a younger, stronger,
armed man?
According to you, people never resist, they just go like lambs to the

"The condition of the room was that of a fierce struggle,"


No wonder you snipped it, it confirms my claims and makes you look
like a complete fool.

<<That's odd. Don't you remember in your very last post you wrote:<<
Post by k***@gmail.com
God hates you for being a coward, please kill yourself.
Of course I remember it, I am well aware that you, like most
uneducated persons,
believes in a god. This 'god' of your understanding (and ignorance)
hates you for
being a coward, after all, your foolish religious dogma states that
'god helps those
who help themselves', and here you are, advocating cowardice and
inaction, even when
it comes to protecting your own children.

Now feel free to avoid the subject at hand and resort to childish name
I command you!
2008-02-15 01:23:46 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
I would say what I already have said, you are a child, in every sense,
except of course the good ones. You are an obvious ignoramus, a
loudmouth fool, full of bravado and nothing more. You are clueless.
You disgust me.<<
Unfortunately, it is you who are disgusting.
Post by drahcir
Oh, I get it, "i know you are but what am i". That's the best you can
do, I guess.<<
No, I'm just stating obvious facts. You are incapable of dealing with
such so
you resort to childish and pathetic attempts at personal attacks. You
cowards and cowardice, and offer no valid reason fro doing so. It's
that someone can so eagerly shirk responsibility.
BTW, why did you snip the item about the NY attack?
I snipped nothing. Check again. Whenever I snip, I include <snip> to
so indicate.

A 56 year old
Post by k***@gmail.com
woman and a 70 year old man ferociously fighting a younger, stronger,
armed man?
According to you, people never resist, they just go like lambs to the
You are constantly putting words in my mouth. I don't appreciate that.
Look, for you, the victims of the Holocaust are to blame for their
fates. That's your take. You are entitled to it. Forgive me, I am
going to bow out of this discussion because it is going nowhere and I
have better things to do.
Post by k***@gmail.com
"The condition of the room was that of a fierce struggle,"
No wonder you snipped it, it confirms my claims and makes you look
like a complete fool.
<<That's odd. Don't you remember in your very last post you wrote:<<
Post by k***@gmail.com
God hates you for being a coward, please kill yourself.
Of course I remember it, I am well aware that you, like most
uneducated persons,
believes in a god. This 'god' of your understanding (and ignorance)
hates you for
being a coward, after all, your foolish religious dogma states that
'god helps those
who help themselves', and here you are, advocating cowardice and
inaction, even when
it comes to protecting your own children.
Now feel free to avoid the subject at hand and resort to childish name
I command you!
2008-02-15 01:32:26 UTC
On Feb 14, 8:23 pm, drahcir <***@hotmail.com> wrote:

<< Forgive me, I am
Post by drahcir
going to bow out of this discussion because it is going nowhere and I
have better things to do.<<
Yes, I can see from your history of posting upward of 50 times a day,
that you are an extremely busy person...
2008-02-14 20:18:45 UTC
Post by drahcir
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
Post by drahcir
It would be fun to see what you, obviously an unemployed loafer, would
do if your family inheritance or even your own property had been
stolen. Ah yes, it would be so much fun to see.<<
This is not a likely scenario for a proud person with a sense of
What is not likely? It is not likely for someone's property to be
stolen if they are proud and have integrity? Is that what you are
saying? If that is what you are saying, I can only say that these are
the words of some little, sniveling child who cannot even imagine what
it is like for storm troopers to come marching into your house to lead
you out.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Such a person would obviously be dead, having laid down his life to
these things from happening in the first place.
Big talk from a moron.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Pretty disgusting to be afraid to fight for what's yours.
You can't even stretch what little mind you have to try to imagine
what it must have been like. Go back to your griddle - it's nearly
lunchtime and I want a big mac. NOW.
2008-02-14 23:26:47 UTC
Post by ElParedon
Post by drahcir
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
Post by drahcir
It would be fun to see what you, obviously an unemployed loafer, would
do if your family inheritance or even your own property had been
stolen. Ah yes, it would be so much fun to see.<<
This is not a likely scenario for a proud person with a sense of
What is not likely? It is not likely for someone's property to be
stolen if they are proud and have integrity? Is that what you are
saying? If that is what you are saying, I can only say that these are
the words of some little, sniveling child who cannot even imagine what
it is like for storm troopers to come marching into your house to lead
you out.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Such a person would obviously be dead, having laid down his life to
these things from happening in the first place.
Big talk from a moron.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Pretty disgusting to be afraid to fight for what's yours.
You can't even stretch what little mind you have to try to imagine
what it must have been like. Go back to your griddle - it's nearly
lunchtime and I want a big mac. NOW.
El, you have proven yourself over and over and over an ignoramus. Your
caps can't help you. Just hush up, child - the grownups are discussing.
Daniel Bernard
2008-02-14 17:04:35 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
Post by drahcir
Post by drahcir
It would be fun to see what you, obviously an unemployed loafer, would
do if your family inheritance or even your own property had been
stolen. Ah yes, it would be so much fun to see.<<
This is not a likely scenario for a proud person with a sense of
Exactly. Such a person would value an inheritance that came from the
effort, craft or innovation by their forebears.

However, when such an inheritance came from usury then I say easy come
easy go.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Such a person would obviously be dead, having laid down his life to
these things from happening in the first place.
Pretty disgusting to be afraid to fight for what's yours.
"Onward Christian Soldiers" - the Jews battle song.

2008-02-14 17:04:24 UTC
Post by drahcir
Post by Daniel Bernard
Arabs and Jews have nearly identical DNA, the closest match of any two
on the planet. They both have more than their share of lunatics and
crackpots, although
Jews are definitely leading in both.
The biggest differences between the two is that the Arabs have always
been willing to bravely
fight to defend themselves and their land and families, while Jews
seem to have made a legacy
of being perpetual victims.
Victimhood pays.
Ask the Swiss banks how much they had to fork out.
It would be fun to see what you, obviously an unemployed loafer, would
do if your family inheritance or even your own property had been
stolen. Ah yes, it would be so much fun to see.

When the Jew lawyer came to collect the cheque in Berne, Swiss official
simply threw it on the floor before him rather than hand it to him!
Daniel Bernard
2008-02-14 17:12:39 UTC
Post by ElParedon
Post by drahcir
Post by Daniel Bernard
Arabs and Jews have nearly identical DNA, the closest match of any two
on the planet. They both have more than their share of lunatics and
crackpots, although
Jews are definitely leading in both.
The biggest differences between the two is that the Arabs have always
been willing to bravely
fight to defend themselves and their land and families, while Jews
seem to have made a legacy
of being perpetual victims.
Victimhood pays.
Ask the Swiss banks how much they had to fork out.
It would be fun to see what you, obviously an unemployed loafer, would
do if your family inheritance or even your own property had been
stolen. Ah yes, it would be so much fun to see.
When the Jew lawyer came to collect the cheque in Berne, Swiss official
simply threw it on the floor before him rather than hand it to him!
Most of the money went to Bronfman, Singer and Foxman.


2008-02-14 04:30:59 UTC
Post by TheZ
Ah yes, we need more Goldstein's.
Yes, anyone who has advance knowledge of an attack
against innocents who actually does something about
it, especially in the face of known gov't intransigence,
even & up to sacrificing his own life, is someone the
world should admire.

Ed Debevic
2022-09-13 20:38:47 UTC
Post by f***@verizon.net
Post by TheZ
Ah yes, we need more Goldstein's.
Yes, anyone who has advance knowledge of an attack
against innocents who actually does something about
it, especially in the face of known gov't intransigence,
even & up to sacrificing his own life, is someone the
world should admire.
Shut up, CUNT!! I'll say a prayer for you

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou
amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary,
mother of God, pray for us sinners; now and at the hour of our death.
2022-09-13 21:01:41 UTC
On Tue, 13 Sep 2022 16:38:47 -0400, Loose Sphincter, the unhappily married
Post by Ed Debevic
Shut up, CUNT!! I'll say a prayer for you
The only "cunt" around here, is YOU, you abysmally stupid gay neo-nazitard!
Post by Ed Debevic
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou
amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary,
mother of God, pray for us sinners; now and at the hour of our death.
Mary was JEWISH, you abysmally stupid gay neo-nazitard! And her son, Jesus,
was JEWISH too, and so was his father Joseph! LMAO

Why, oh WHY, are ALL you azis, ALWAYS, without ANY exception, such LAUGHING
Loose Sphincter about his predilection:
"Foreskins, and only foreskins. That's my life."
MID: <***@4ax.com>
2008-02-13 23:27:37 UTC
Post by DoD
Washington, D.C. -- This Saturday, political activist and author David
Horowitz stood on the dais in the nation's capital against the backdrop of
an enlarged photograph of women covered in black hijabs. With only their
eyes revealed, the women carried signs that read: "God Bless Hitler." This
United States condemning genocide is like suggesting that Saudi King is
condemning royalty!
2008-02-14 13:22:44 UTC
Post by TheZ
Let us not forget all the racist Jews who want to kill any Palestinian
they can find.
Jews have no problem finding Palestinians, yet don't kill them,
although they have the means to do so. Pallies - the only people
against whom a "genocide" is being or has been "attempted", yet who
did and do not suffer mass killings. Fascinating.

Remember Goldstein who killed 30 non-Jews and all his
Post by TheZ
supporters who made a shrine out of his grave for those with extreme
right-wing political views?
One mad dog going bananas until he is put down does not constitute
genocide. Try to keep on track.

Modern Israel also has people among it
Post by TheZ
will genocidal sentiments. No different than any other country.
Your sentence makes no sense, but if I try to figure it out, it's
probably true. The difference is, Nazi Germany was not just a
"sentiment", hadn't you heard?

Post by TheZ
of course someone like the poster below would prefer others not to
know about any murderous and genocidal/racist Jews of Israel.
Again, sentiments don't kill people. Bullets and gas chambers do.
That's beside the fact that posting an article about Nazi supporters
in the US implies nothing about what the poster prefers or doesn't
prefer other to know. Do you have any evidence of the poster claiming
that there are no people in Israel with genocidal desires?

A word
Post by TheZ
suffices for such posters: BIGOT
So, because the poster's article described genocide supporters in the
US, your conclusion is that he would "prefer others not to know about"
any people with "genocidal tendencies" in Israel. First of all, that
is strictly your presumption. Second, you need to focus real hard:
there is a difference between a supposed tendency, and the Holocaust,
which is reality. Next you say that such a poster is a bigot. Here is
the definition of "bigot". from dictionary.com:

a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or

Now, is your "brain" capable of seeing that someone who posts an
article about genocide supporters in the US does not for that reason
qualify as a bigot, since so doing in no way expresses intolerance? In
fact, if anyone, it is YOU whose post sounds intolerant, but that's
another matter. A bigot with minuscule intellect does not require
anyone's attention.
Post by TheZ
Post by DoD
Washington, D.C. -- This Saturday, political activist and author David
Horowitz stood on the dais in the nation's capital against the backdrop of
an enlarged photograph of women covered in black hijabs. With only their
eyes revealed, the women carried signs that read: "God Bless Hitler." This
photo was not taken in Iran or Saudi Arabia, but instead comes from a recent
rally of radical Muslims in Chicago.
That such genocidal sentiments are alive and well in the modern world, and
that they find their most murderous expression in the writings and actions
of Islamic extremists, is the theme of a new campaign launched by the David
Horowitz Freedom Center titled "A Declaration Against Genocide."
In introducing the campaign this weekend, Horowitz made a plea for the most
basic of human rights: the right not to be murdered based on one's race,
religion or ethnicity. The Jew-hatred espoused by Nazis during World War II
did not die when Nazism was defeated, Horowitz observed. Rather, it is alive
and well, its torch now being carried by a new generation of jihadists and
radical Muslims.
Failure to recognize that fact underlies a popular myth about the Middle
East: that anti-Israel stems from a struggle over land. In reality, Horowitz
noted, the grievances of Islamists against Israel are but a pretext for
destroying the Jewish state and with it the Jewish population in the Middle
East. It is this genocidal campaign that the center's latest campaign aims
to highlight.
As evidence, one need only listen to the extremists themselves. Thus the
president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has stated that he wants to wipe
Israel off the map. Islamic terrorist groups, be they Shiite Hezbollah or
Sunni Hamas, have echoed that sentiment, which finds roots in core Muslim
writings. In the Hadith, the oral tradition relating the words and deeds of
[..]the time [of judgment] will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews
and kill them; until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O
Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him!" The Hamas
Charter, which serves as the political platform of the elected party in
Palestine includes this passage and additionally reads: "Israel will rise
and remain erect until Islam eliminates it[.]
In the same way, the charter of Hamas encourages jihad, blames the Jews for
all of the Islamic world's ills, and proclaims: "[Peace] initiatives, the
so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve
the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic
Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing
part of the religion..There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except
by Jihad."
Horowitz's Declaration Against Genocide invites students of all faiths on
college campuses to denounce the genocidal ideology espoused in these
documents and to support the right of people everywhere to live free of
violence and intimidation.
Already, Horowitz's campaign has found support from prominent politicians.
Among them is Congresswoman Sue Myrick, a Republican from North Carolina and
the chair of the anti-terrorism caucus in the House who followed Horowitz on
the stage on Saturday.
In her remarks, Myrick recounted how, along with some of her Congressional
peers, she formed the bipartisan caucus in response to their frustration at
the Bush administration's initial refusal to identify radical Islam as
America's enemy in the war on terror, and thus its failure adequately to
educate the public about the threat that America faces. Those who consider
the U.S. government to be completely naïve about the Islamist threat may
take heart in the caucus's efforts. Meeting twice a month, its aim is to
inform congressmen about the nature, ideology, and tactics of both
non-violent radical Islamists and violent jihadists.
As suggested by the photograph from the Chicago rally, a major problem
confronting the country is the infiltration of radical Islamists into our
culture. Myrick, one of the few members of Congress who truly is an expert
on radical Islam, is all too aware of the fact. Islamist ideology is
infiltrating our media, our universities, and even our military, she
explained. And though some maintain that the Islamists' ultimate goal -- the
enactment of Sharia law -- could never happen in the United States, Myrick
argued that the country must nonetheless maintain its guard.
To that end, Myrick endorsed Horowitz's declaration. She suggested that if
everyone in the audience would educate themselves and others within their
sphere of influence on the nature of the threat, America will be much more
likely to escape the fate facing Britain, where Sharia law is beginning to
take root and where no less a figure than the Archbishop of Canterbury now
says that Sharia is "unavoidable."
Like its earlier Islamo-Fascist Awareness week, the center's new campaign
will extend a special invitation to Muslim student organizations, including
the Muslim Students Association ("MSA"). One of the largest Muslim Student
organizations on college campuses, the MSA professes to be a "mainstream"
group. However, it is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent
organization of Hamas. Muslim groups like the MSA have long claimed that
Islam is religion of peace and tolerance. By signing the declaration against
genocide, they can distance themselves from the jihadists who claim to act
in Islam's name. It remains to be seen whether they will in fact do so.http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID=C286899F-29EA-4F8...