Post by Nomen NescioPost by Nomen Nescio- granting industry access to our #healthdata without our consent
Von der Leyen’s Europe needs digital freedom fighters!
There are ways to deal with this.
The only way to deal with this is not getting sick and avoiding doctors.
Post by Nomen NescioYou can't keep your physician, who faces hefty financial penalties when
not complying, from uploading your medical records, as the EU doesn't
even allow you to opt out from this severe data protection breach.
When corruption rulez ...
We need more honest guys like Patrick Breyer, MEP.
And here's the next step, explained by Prof. Karl Lauterbach, the German
health minister:
| Many data will simply be derived from our exchange with the patients. So
| therefore the dichotomy spending time with the patient and basically
| doing administrative work, that will collapse to some degrees, because
| while I speak with the patient the new systems will derive the data from
| listening to me as a matter of fact. So therefore me spending patient
| time at the same time generates data in a structured way. And these are
| completely different ways of collecting data basically while we are in
| an interaction, and making data comparable, or let's say condensing
| databases, or let's say combining them and so forth without us having to
| do ... It may be possible that we do not exactly know how it works, we
| will have an alignment problem on both levels. Getting data, we will not
| exactly know how the translation works, so we will have an alignment
| problem there. And we will also have a problem understanding how the
| data were gathered from our talk with the patient for example. So no
| alignment there potentially. But since we can correlate and evaluate
| analytically how well it is working, we do not need the alignment in
| particular. So this is let's say not a disagreement, but I am way more
| optimistic with respect to let's say the availability and also the
| interoperability of data also transatlantically.
That's an official statement telling us what is planned by the German
Ministery of Health and thereby by the European Parliament:
An AI listening device in each doctor's office with all collected data
shared even with our Big Brothers in the U.S. - a horror scenario.