Uh Oh ... Europe Starting To Fall Apart - Lockdowns Spawning Riots
(too old to reply)
2021-01-25 02:00:22 UTC
Yes, that image of bovine contentedness is quickly losing
its credibility. Today there were big riots in the Netherlands,
including water cannons and attack dogs and a Covid
testing center burnt to the ground. A mob also burned
an effigy of the Danish PM in Copenhagen. In the UK,
they keep arresting mass numbers for having big parties
and the parties and such just keep getting bigger.

Now we can agree on the scientific correctness of the
lockdowns and related restrictions. However that is not
the ONLY science that needs to be considered. People
are social and need to be Doing Shit and Making Money
and need to feel they can just get out and walk around -
so the PSYCHOLOGY of the anti-Virus measures makes
them counter-scientific.

What good is it if you can save some from the Virus, but
destroy your society and economy in the process ? That's
like burning down your house to get rid of cockroaches.

There are no great answers or compromises here. Sometimes
there just aren't and that's that - the universe simply cannot be
bent to the convenience of ape-decendants and their little

But Europe had better find SOMETHING quick. The vaccination
drives are NOT going very well - supply is clearly not going to
keep up with the massive demand. Vaccines are high-tech
products and manufacture cannot be conveniently scaled-up
like for car batteries or frying pans. Lockdowns are going to
see the place burnt down and no lockdowns mean a large
increase in mortality. Fun eh ?

IMHO, there has been so much focus on the unobtanium of
vaccines that efforts on new/better TREATMENT regimes
were eclipsed. Time to pool all that knowledge gained by
doctors/researchers across the world. If mortality can be
notably reduced by better treatments then the lockdowns
can be eased-off a bit and society and economies need
not crumble.
2021-01-25 02:08:09 UTC
On Sun, 24 Jan 2021 21:00:22 -0500, B1ackwater <***@magikbeanz.net> wrote:
My Mask

"This is my mask. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My
mask is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must
master my life. Without me, my mask is useless. Without my mask, I
am useless. I must wear my mask true. I must wear my mask straighter
than my enemy who is trying to infect me. I must infect him before
he infects me. I will... My mask and I know that what counts in war
is not the infections we spread, the noise of our coughs, nor the
exhales we make. We know that it is the infections that count. We
will infect ... My mask is human, even as I, because it is my life.
Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its
strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights and its muzzle.
I will keep my mask clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready.
We will become part of each other. We will ... Before God, I swear
this creed. My mask and myself are the defenders of my country. We
are the masters of our infection. We are the saviors of my life.
So be it, until there is no infection, but peace. Amen."
2021-01-25 16:48:56 UTC
On Sun, 24 Jan 2021 21:00:22 -0500, B1ackwater wrote:

When the SHTF. Good luck Joe.
Post by B1ackwater
Yes, that image of bovine contentedness is quickly losing
its credibility. Today there were big riots in the Netherlands,
including water cannons and attack dogs and a Covid
testing center burnt to the ground. A mob also burned
an effigy of the Danish PM in Copenhagen. In the UK,
they keep arresting mass numbers for having big parties
and the parties and such just keep getting bigger.
Beside covid protests, there are political protests in Russia

3,000 arrested at protests demanding Navalny’s release
Russian police arrested more than 3,000 people Saturday in
nationwide protests demanding the release of opposition leader Alexei
Navalny, the Kremlin's most prominent foe, according to a group that
counts political detentions

General chaos reported at http://www.drudgereport.com/
* Biden to impose South Africa travel ban to combat new variant...
* Mexico enters darkest days of pandemic... PRESIDENT INFECTED...
* How 'California miracle' dissolved into winter nightmare...
* In ambulances, unseen, unwelcome passenger: COVID-19...
* Lack of vaccine supply could hinder distribution...
* Israel closes skies to air travel, again...
Violence erupts in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods...
* Dubai Fires Health Chief as Infections Surge...
* Borders tighten around world as curfew fury spills over...
* Netherlands protests spark clashes with police, looting...
* New Mutations may delay return to normal...
* Oxygen Scarcity Swells Death Toll...
* Job losses from virus 4 TIMES as bad as financial crisis...
* World witnessing greatest rise in inequality on record...

The dollar is crumbling

The supply lines are crumbling
Pandemic aftershocks overwhelm global supply lines
One year after the coronavirus pandemic first disrupted global
supply chains by closing Chinese factories, fresh shipping headaches
are delaying U.S. farm exports, crimping domestic manufacturing and
threatening higher prices for American consumers.
The cost of shipping a container of goods has risen by 80
percent since early November. (Nathan Laine/Bloomberg News)
The cost of shipping a container of goods has risen by 80 percent
since early November and has nearly tripled over the past year,
according to the Freightos Baltic Index. The increase reflects
dramatic shifts in consumption during the pandemic, as consumers
redirect money they once spent at restaurants or movie theaters to the
purchase of record amounts of imported clothing, computers, furniture
and other goods.
That abrupt and unprecedented spending shift has upended
long-standing trade patterns, causing bottlenecks from the gates of
Chinese factories to the doorsteps of U.S. homes.
The commercial disorder is just the latest blow to
globalization's finely tuned engine, capping more than a decade of
financial crisis, trade wars, contagion and recession. Each shock has
triggered swings in the flow of cash and goods through the $91
trillion global economy. But reverberations from the pandemic are
exposing vulnerabilities in the physical plumbing of cross-border

And the Crème De La Crème to top it all off --- Satanist Sex Dolls

It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future,
-- Yogi Berra
2021-01-26 04:04:54 UTC
On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 09:48:56 -0700, Winston_Smith
Post by Winston_Smith
When the SHTF. Good luck Joe.
Post by B1ackwater
Yes, that image of bovine contentedness is quickly losing
its credibility. Today there were big riots in the Netherlands,
including water cannons and attack dogs and a Covid
testing center burnt to the ground. A mob also burned
an effigy of the Danish PM in Copenhagen. In the UK,
they keep arresting mass numbers for having big parties
and the parties and such just keep getting bigger.
Beside covid protests, there are political protests in Russia
These are the sorts of widespread upheavals and ideological
fanaticism that were the prelude to WW-1.

Destabilization makes governments very nervous, desperate
even. They get the impression that Their Time is NOW - or
never. Little shit becomes bigger shit.

A few years back we had the "Arab Spring". All the nutters
on every side came out of the cracks. Result, the rise of
ISIS, renewed military rule in Egypt, Iran cooking vast
quantities of fissile material (BET they have The Bomb,
that's ancient tech at this point, and they are good friends
with Kim Jong Un too), and other arab governments
suddenly went all fascist.

The Russian thing is just another facet of the decay of
the Old Order. Putin WILL get super-severe if need be
and Biden's demand today that he give up Nalvalny
didn't help things.

Governments/established-systems around the world
are in bad trouble . Covid stress was gasoline on the
bonfire. There's a REASON umpteen million in central
America are willing to risk all to get the hell out of there
(and, unfortunately, bring their problems north with
them). There are REASONS why India and China are
prodding along a nuclear holocaust. There are REASONS
why the American public was so easily hyper-polarized
(or seem to be, most of it is a profitible MSM illusion).

What worked well for so long doesn't seem good enough
anymore and, as usual, the younger set sees a world it
did not create and cannot understand and hallucinates
that it can make it all "better". Won't happen, they'd
make it horribly worse - lessons never learned mean
all the worst old mistakes will be repeated.

At some point soon, Biden is going to have to admit that
the Big Threat are not any Klu-Klux beerbelly 'militias' but
the anarchists they made use of before the elections.
Those are the ones who have stepped-up operations,
and the physical violence is getting worse. Screaming
firebombing fanatics that talk like Red Guard missionaries

WHEN he has to act, a lot of turds are going to impact the
rotary ventillator .... and he USA will get even more disorganized,
the people and State more and more paranoid and likely
to do all the wrong things. Paranoid nations get triggerhappy,
and China and/or NK are bound to provoke something pretty

Everyone thought the 21st century would be The Golden Age.
Instead it's looking like the 20th All Over Again.
Post by Winston_Smith
3,000 arrested at protests demanding Navalny’s release
Russian police arrested more than 3,000 people Saturday in
nationwide protests demanding the release of opposition leader Alexei
Navalny, the Kremlin's most prominent foe, according to a group that
counts political detentions
General chaos reported at http://www.drudgereport.com/
* Biden to impose South Africa travel ban to combat new variant...
* Mexico enters darkest days of pandemic... PRESIDENT INFECTED...
* How 'California miracle' dissolved into winter nightmare...
* In ambulances, unseen, unwelcome passenger: COVID-19...
* Lack of vaccine supply could hinder distribution...
* Israel closes skies to air travel, again...
Violence erupts in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods...
* Dubai Fires Health Chief as Infections Surge...
* Borders tighten around world as curfew fury spills over...
* Netherlands protests spark clashes with police, looting...
* New Mutations may delay return to normal...
* Oxygen Scarcity Swells Death Toll...
* Job losses from virus 4 TIMES as bad as financial crisis...
* World witnessing greatest rise in inequality on record...
The dollar is crumbling
The supply lines are crumbling
Pandemic aftershocks overwhelm global supply lines
One year after the coronavirus pandemic first disrupted global
supply chains by closing Chinese factories, fresh shipping headaches
are delaying U.S. farm exports, crimping domestic manufacturing and
threatening higher prices for American consumers.
The cost of shipping a container of goods has risen by 80
percent since early November. (Nathan Laine/Bloomberg News)
The cost of shipping a container of goods has risen by 80 percent
since early November and has nearly tripled over the past year,
according to the Freightos Baltic Index. The increase reflects
dramatic shifts in consumption during the pandemic, as consumers
redirect money they once spent at restaurants or movie theaters to the
purchase of record amounts of imported clothing, computers, furniture
and other goods.
That abrupt and unprecedented spending shift has upended
long-standing trade patterns, causing bottlenecks from the gates of
Chinese factories to the doorsteps of U.S. homes.
The commercial disorder is just the latest blow to
globalization's finely tuned engine, capping more than a decade of
financial crisis, trade wars, contagion and recession. Each shock has
triggered swings in the flow of cash and goods through the $91
trillion global economy. But reverberations from the pandemic are
exposing vulnerabilities in the physical plumbing of cross-border
And the Crème De La Crème to top it all off --- Satanist Sex Dolls
It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future,
-- Yogi Berra
Ah, good old Yogi :-)
2021-01-27 20:03:58 UTC
Post by B1ackwater
These are the sorts of widespread upheavals and ideological
fanaticism that were the prelude to WW-1.
Destabilization makes governments very nervous, desperate
even. They get the impression that Their Time is NOW - or
never. Little shit becomes bigger shit.
A few years back we had the "Arab Spring". All the nutters
on every side came out of the cracks. Result, the rise of
ISIS, renewed military rule in Egypt, Iran cooking vast
quantities of fissile material (BET they have The Bomb,
that's ancient tech at this point, and they are good friends
with Kim Jong Un too), and other arab governments
suddenly went all fascist.
Plus the Syrian civil war, which has so far claimed 400,000 lives:

So much for the "liberating" Arab Spring:

Why things will NEVER settle down in the Middle East:

